Tag Archives: trends

Top 5 Publishing Articles/Blog Posts of the Week 9/28-10/2

Every week, we recommend 5 publishing articles/blog posts that supplement the major news for the week. Whether data or industry commentary, we hope these 5 links will be a simple way to keep you in the know. Why are blurbs for books still so important? How can we make sense of the current digital book trends discussed in…Continue Reading

Top 5 Publishing 2014 Reflections and 2015 Predictions

Every week, we recommend 5 publishing articles/blog posts that supplement the major news for the week. As we near the end of the year, we thought we would change things up and instead post 5 links to articles with predictions for the publishing industry in 2015. Digiday outlined what we learned about publishing this year, focusing primarily on…Continue Reading

Twitter Trends on Trend Central

Trend Central is a great site that covers up and coming people and trends in music, lifestyle, entertainment, and media. Today their topic is what’s new with Twitter, including: Twitter Branding: Want to check out how the competition is using Twitter? A new directory of tweeting brands, Twitter Tracker, compiles real-time updates from companies using…Continue Reading

ad:tech New York 2008: Curating for Relevance, Parsing What’s Social

PT thanks New York-based marketing consultant Rich Kelley for this report. “Content is no longer something you hand down from on high on a sacred tablet,” advised John Byrne, editor-in-chief of BusinessWeek. Today it’s more like “a campfire that you use to gather people. What becomes important is what then happens among the people.” The…Continue Reading