Tag Archives: Tim Harford

Through the Eyes of a Startup: Reading Todd Sattersten’s Every Book Is A Startup

PublishingTrends.com continues its regular column in which we review, explicate, and excerpt books that we think will resonate with people in the business of publishing and media.  **** Sure, putting the word “startup” in the title of a book seems to be all the rage, but can (and should) the publishing of each title be treated like a startup? In  Every…Continue Reading

Reading Adapt by Tim Harford: Your Secret Weapon? Failure.

PublishingTrends.com continues its regular column in which we review, explicate, and excerpt books that we think will resonate with people in the business of publishing and media.  **** Bemoaning the speed and amount of change she sees in the publishing industry (i.e., not enough), Suw Charman-Anderson urged publishers to read Adapt by Tim Harford in a recent Forbes article.  Adapt: Why Success Always…Continue Reading