Tag Archives: Susan Bratton

ad:tech New York 2008: Curating for Relevance, Parsing What’s Social

PT thanks New York-based marketing consultant Rich Kelley for this report. “Content is no longer something you hand down from on high on a sacred tablet,” advised John Byrne, editor-in-chief of BusinessWeek. Today it’s more like “a campfire that you use to gather people. What becomes important is what then happens among the people.” The…Continue Reading

Ads Please, Hold the Spam

With a lively turnout of more than 5,000 attendees and 130 exhibitors, Ad:Tech New York was officially, in the words of conference chair Susan Bratton, “the most exciting Ad:Tech show in three years,” affirming its reputation as the go-to trade show for Internet marketing. As for the vibe on the floor, the 40 panels and…Continue Reading