Tag Archives: NYTimes.com

ad:tech New York 2008: Curating for Relevance, Parsing What’s Social

PT thanks New York-based marketing consultant Rich Kelley for this report. “Content is no longer something you hand down from on high on a sacred tablet,” advised John Byrne, editor-in-chief of BusinessWeek. Today it’s more like “a campfire that you use to gather people. What becomes important is what then happens among the people.” The…Continue Reading

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Industry Ad Spending Holds Steady, But Media Choices See-Saw As reports of widespread layoffs ricochet along Madison Avenue, and billboards still bear Christmas greetings downtown, the prospect of an advertising biz downturn has highlighted the fact that book publishers’ advertising habits — in terms of fact-based, industry-wide data — remain among the great unknowns of…Continue Reading

Job Hunting? Click Here

Going, going, gone are the good old days of dropping lunchtime crumbs over the “Positions Open” section in the back of PW, when you’d gamely search for that next dream gig. (“Marketing Director, U. of Hawaii Press”? Hmmm.) Yes, clickability has hit the hiring game, with Internet job boards humming away 24/7 and recruitment field…Continue Reading