Tag Archives: Net Book Agreement

For What It’s Worth: Fixed Book Price in Foreign Book Markets

Editor’s note: This post originally appeared on Publishing Trendsetter. Earlier this year, France made publishing news headlines when its court ruled ebook subscription services like Kindle Unlimited illegal. The law cited was the Lang Law, which gives publishers the exclusive right to set the price of a book. Retailers are not allowed to discount more than…Continue Reading

Parsing Publishing, Then and Now: Merchants of Culture by John B. Thompsen

With this post, PublishingTrends.com continues its regular column in which it reviews, explicates and excerpts books that we think will resonate with people in the business of publishing and media.  **** John B. Thompson, University of Cambridge-based sociologist and author of Merchants of Culture: The Publishing Business in the Twenty-First Century (Plume, trade paper, 2nd Ed….Continue Reading