Tag Archives: Marcos Aguinis

International Fiction Bestsellers

Realpolitik Redux Aguinis in Argentina, King’s Ransom in Denmark, and Slobo’s Serbian Adventures With the world reeling from the 1994 bombings of the Israeli embassy and the Argentine Jewish Mutual Aid Association in Buenos Aires, a Moslem scholar and a young and impulsive journalist join forces to prevent future attacks in Argentine author Marcos Aguinis’…Continue Reading

International Fiction Bestsellers

Spiritus Mundiw Chimoni’s French Miracle, Lama Love in Germany, and Italy’s Sci-Fi Satire Anyone out there remember Mr. God This Is Anna, a UK bestseller for Holt in 1975 that’s been in print at Ballantine since 1976? Well, it’s back to the future in France, where a similar title has just been published: Annaëlle Chimoni’s…Continue Reading