Tag Archives: infographic

Top 5 Publishing Articles/Blog Posts of the Week 5/11-5/15

Every week, we recommend 5 publishing articles/blog posts that supplement the major news for the week. Whether data or industry commentary, we hope these 5 links will be a simple way to keep you in the know. Why is the book business in Brazil not booming anymore? Do consumers regularly upgrade to newer models of ereaders? Is…Continue Reading

Top 5 Publishing Articles/Blog Posts of the Week 4/13-4/17

Every week, we recommend 5 publishing articles/blog posts that supplement the major news for the week. Whether data or industry commentary, we hope these 5 links will be a simple way to keep you in the know. Why do readers love the serial novel? The ALA released an infographic about the most challenged books in public institutions…Continue Reading

Top 5 Publishing Articles/Blog Posts of the Week 2/16-2/20

Every week, we recommend 5 publishing articles/blog posts that supplement the major news for the week. Whether data or industry commentary, we hope these 5 links will be a simple way to keep you in the know. Can readers think critically when reading text on digital screens or does hyper reading prevent them from concentrating fully? ePubDirect released an…Continue Reading

Top 5 Publishing Articles/Blog Posts of the Week 12/1-12/5

Every week, we recommend 5 publishing articles/blog posts that supplement the major news for the week. Whether data or industry commentary, we hope these 5 links will be a simple way to keep you in the know. Has Pamela Paul’s leadership led to a more inclusive New York Times Book Review “100 Notable Books” list? Is Apple guilty…Continue Reading