Tag Archives: holiday sales

Top 5 Publishing Articles/Blog Posts of the Week 12/5-12/9

­Every week, we recommend 5 publishing articles/blog posts that supplement the major news for the week. Whether data or industry commentary, we hope these 5 links will be a simple way to keep you in the know. Why are HarperCollins union workers on strike? What does the closing of Astra Magazine say about the state of American…Continue Reading

Top 5 Publishing Articles/Blog Posts of the Week 9/5-9/9

­Every week, we recommend 5 publishing articles/blog posts that supplement the major news for the week. Whether data or industry commentary, we hope these 5 links will be a simple way to keep you in the know. How are book bans dividing communities? Why does the term “millennial fiction” seem only to apply to the…Continue Reading

Top 5 Publishing Articles/Blog Posts of the Week 11/1-11/5

­Every week, we recommend 5 publishing articles/blog posts that supplement the major news for the week. Whether data or industry commentary, we hope these 5 links will be a simple way to keep you in the know. As the industry settles into a new normal, can we avoid losing progress towards inclusion? Should books include…Continue Reading

Top 5 Publishing Articles/Blog Posts of the Week 1/6-1/10

Every week, we recommend 5 publishing articles/blog posts that supplement the major news for the week. Whether data or industry commentary, we hope these 5 links will be a simple way to keep you in the know.  Could selling self-published books in physical bookstores boost profits? An author survey reveals indie authors prefer the path of traditional…Continue Reading