Tag Archives: Gruner + Jahr

Bertelsmann’s Direct Group Hits a Few Big Bumps on the Road to Worldwide Synergy

ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED AT INSIDE.COM (4/23/01) You can’t blame Thomas Middelhoff for trying. The chief executive of German media behemoth Bertelsmann — doted on in the business pages as a Visor-toting visionary dragging an ossified corporate empire out of the Westphalian mist — has upped the ante for global synergizing in one of his company’s most…Continue Reading

Content for Hire

Book Packagers Make the Best of a Worst-Case Scenario “The advantage of working with packagers,” says Mark Magowan, associate publisher at Abrams, “is that when the math of a series goes down, you don’t have to fire your own staff.” Though Magowan may be grinning as he says it, it’s no joke that book packagers…Continue Reading

Bertelsmann’s Ventures

Random House Parent Wages Global E-Commerce Turf War There is a special place on Thomas Middelhoff’s atlas of corporate geography that he likes to call “Bertelsmann Valley.” You might think of it as Silicon Valley stretched to a global scale and populated with scenic villages of dot-com shops, a few stray Holstein cows, and a…Continue Reading