Tag Archives: bricks-and-mortar

Top 5 Publishing Articles/Blog Posts of the Week 9/17-9/21

Every week, we recommend 5 publishing articles/blog posts that supplement the major news for the week. Whether data or industry commentary, we hope these 5 links will be a simple way to keep you in the know. Could the audiobook boom keep going forever? Are the days of big-box bookstores over? How does publishing marginalize disabled authors?…Continue Reading

Top 5 Publishing Articles/Blog Posts of the Week 5/22-5/26

Every week, we recommend 5 publishing articles/blog posts that supplement the major news for the week. Whether data or industry commentary, we hope these 5 links will be a simple way to keep you in the know. Will Amazon Charts change the industry? How can publishers best work with freelancers? Are books best sold via algorithm? What are…Continue Reading

Paper Meets Digital at Stationery Show 2012

Everyone Publishing Trends encountered at this year’s National Stationery Show (Sunday, May 20-Wednesday, May 23, 2012) agreed on one thing: “smaller and quieter.” Without being asked, several exhibitors admitted that, beyond a smaller number of attendees overall, it felt like “the buyers have disappeared.” Said one purveyor of animal-shaped desk accessories: “Sure, plenty of people…Continue Reading