Category Archives: Featured Articles

Midlist Madness

Crisis management was the reigning publishing paradigm when, in 1998, George Soros’ Open Society Institute funded the Authors Guild Midlist Book Study. So it was slightly ironic when, at a meeting last month featuring study author David Kirkpatrick, several participants pronounced the midlist in satisfactory health and certified that it had never been as well…Continue Reading

International Fiction Bestsellers

Dictators’ Desserts Trujillo’s Dominican Feast and Franco’s Fall in Spain, Plus Cremer Redux in Holland Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa conquers lists in both Spain and Argentina with The Goat’s Feast, a novel that’s captivated critics (it “makes one’s flesh creep,” one wrote admiringly) and has been hailed as a revival of Vargas Llosa’s best…Continue Reading

Pushing the Envelopes

Direct Marketing Days NYC 2000 The “e-” prefix firmly attached itself to this year’s Direct Marketing Days in New York, where direct response pros from dozens of industries gather for an ever-lengthening shindig at the Hilton each May. Indeed, d-marketing gave way to e-marketing as fifty percent of the sessions were devoted to aspects of…Continue Reading

NEA at the Barricades

The Cultural Agency Gets Real on Books Chances are the National Endowment for the Arts ranks somewhere down there between, say, Sears and on the candidate list for publishers’ future business partners. But the organization that helps fund National Poetry Month and gave Michael Cunningham a fellowship more than a decade ago has re-branded…Continue Reading

International Fiction Bestsellers

Spiritus Mundiw Chimoni’s French Miracle, Lama Love in Germany, and Italy’s Sci-Fi Satire Anyone out there remember Mr. God This Is Anna, a UK bestseller for Holt in 1975 that’s been in print at Ballantine since 1976? Well, it’s back to the future in France, where a similar title has just been published: Annaëlle Chimoni’s…Continue Reading

Internet Sluggers: The Baseball Online Library

When it comes to selling baseball books, you won’t find any curve balls at the Baseball Online Library, a vast repository of searchable baseball lore that recently began featuring excerpts from new and backlisted titles, with links directly to that major-league slugger, As the first sales from the site were batted home last month,…Continue Reading

Dot-Com Defection

Is the Grass Really Greener In the Internet Economy? As Ross Perot might have said, there’s a giant sucking sound sluicing toward Silicon Alley. And as anyone in publishing will tell you, the by now epic saga of dot-com defection — young turks storming out of investment banks, law clerks leaping like lemmings into the…Continue Reading

Authors Take to the Web

“You can’t get yourself on Oprah,” says Carol Fitzgerald of the Book Report Network, “but you can get yourself on the web.” And that’s the business plan in a nutshell of three new ventures —,, and — aiming to bring authors and audiences together on a browser near you. Without further ado,…Continue Reading

Wiley Gets a Digital ‘Opportunity’

While pioneering trade publishers were not exactly in evidence among the crowd at the Digital Rights Management & Digital Distribution conference in New York on February 23-24, John Wiley’s Gregory St. John offered a glimpse into that rare publishing phenomenon known as the New Business Model. Besides offering a gloss on new-economy jargon (“opportunities” are…Continue Reading

School Daze

Can Textbook E-Tailers Topple Bookselling’s Ivory Tower? Like many Internet business ventures, online textbook retailing undoubtedly seemed like a good idea at the time. An obscenely plump $5 billion industry just begging to be undersold. More than 5 million full-time undergrads and 10 million other higher education students with annual discretionary spending power of a…Continue Reading