Crash Course: The Ideal Radcliffe Student

This year’s 98 indefatigable Radcliffe Publishing Course graduates have done it again — succeeded in putting the rest of us to shame, that is. As in years past, we give you just a taste of publishing’s hyperachieving next generation in the composite biographical sketch below. All achievements have been taken from actual student biographies. Book, magazine, and electronic publishers interested in attending Radcliffe’s New York Career Day, on Tuesday, August 8, from 9:00 a.m. to noon at the Time Life Building, may call 617-495-8678 for more information.

Despite the thrills of Pentagon briefings, Ms. Student left her nascent career as a satellite television producer behind when she returned to run her own weekly radio show at the University of Alabama. During her busy senior year, she bartended full-time before graduating cum laude in pure mathematics and French literature, using the quiet moments of her pub shifts to look into how and why Cameroon has become divided along Francophone and Anglophone lines. The recipient of Harvard’s Sheldon Prize Fellowship, Ms. Student has spent this past year chronicling the millennial Catholic pilgrimage, leading her from Rome to Lourdes to Fátima, Portugal, and ultimately, 500 miles by foot to Santiago de Compostela, Spain. In addition to creating guidebooks for use on the Los Angeles Philharmonic’s tours to Europe and Mexico City, this karaoke star and aspiring guitarist cherishes fond memories of seeing Bill Gates tossed into a swimming pool at a summer intern party during her stint as an editor of the Microsoft Office Web site. Besides starring as the lead guitarist in three rock bands that played all over the Worcester area, Ms. Student has published feature articles in Spanish on Mickey Mouse and heavy metal music in El Mercurio newspaper in Valparaíso, Chile, all while flexing the journalistic muscles she formed working the late shift on the Washington Post sports desk. Since graduating, she has written strategy studies on global account management for the Advisory Board Company and on electronic government for KPMG Consulting, while freelancing for Previously, she earned her “ducktorial degree” and five-star service award as intern with Disney, but still found time to be selected one of Canada’s representatives to the United Nations’ World Summit for Entrepreneurs. In her summers, she has inoculated small children, constructed latrines, and performed teeth-brushing songs in Ecuador and Paraguay. Late into the night, this dedicated insomniac reminisces about that fateful day in London, when she made her friends insanely jealous by coming within seventeen steps of Prince William.